Implant Supported Overdenture

Implant Supported Over Denture

What is an implant supported overdenture?

An implant supported overdenture is a denture that is supported by implants.

Why do I need treatment?

Sometimes your dentures are too loose and keep falling out or they move around in your mouth. Having a couple of implants can allow you to clip the dentures into your mouth so they do not fall out.

What does the implant supported overdenture involve?

Over denture involves the placement of 2 to 4 implants in your jaw. Your dentist or restorative specialist will place an attachment to the implants to secure your denture.

What does surgery/treatment involve?

It can be done under a general anaesthetic or a local anaesthetic. Small cuts will be placed in your gums and the bone will be exposed. Implants will be placed in the bone. We generally wait three months after the implant is placed to allow time for it to bond with the bone before we place the clips on the implants.

Where will I have my surgery?

If the implant surgery is performed under general anaesthetic, the surgery will be performed at one of the private hospitals in Canberra. If the procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic it will be performed at the Canberra OMFC.

How long is the recovery after surgery?

It can take 3-5 days to recover, you will have some dissolvable stitches. We recommend Savacol mouthwashes before and after the procedure until the stitches dissolve away.

Common post-surgical issues

Pain and bruising are common after the procedure and Dr Ragu will ensure you are prescribed adequate pain relief.

Dr Ragu uses the Straumann removable denture with retentive attachment system.